Blu-ray Review: Undead (2003)

Beyond Genres was a sub-label conceived and launched in 2018 by Umbrella Entertainment, with the aim to champion specific genre titles that are more seminal than most, such as Re-Animator and Razorback for example. Now among the latest batch of releases is the Australian ‘almost cult classic’ Undead; a product of 80s horror that ran

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Blu-ray Review: The Last Broadcast (1998)

Often an after-thought during conversations about The Blair Witch Project, the lesser-known precursor, The Last Broadcast, pre-dates the lost-in-the-woods classic by a year, but quickly faded into obscurity upon release due to its very limited distribution and marketing campaigns. With the found-footage genre being exploited to exhaustion, many film fan have looked back to the

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DVD Review: Alfred Hitchcock Presents (Seasons Five – Seven)

Via Vision Entertainment has really stepped things up this year in bringing more classic television to physical media, including the ground-breaking series, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, which came in two separate box sets. Seasons Five to Seven, spanning from 1959 to 1962, is the latter half and arguably a more refined and creative offering of 25-minute

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Blu-ray Review: Head On (1998)

I grew up on stereotypes, with the term, ‘Wog’, in my vocabulary, often used by my father in both an affectionate and derogatory manner, which was sometimes simultaneous. While I often laughed at the many blanket notions made towards certain ethnic groups, mainly Greeks and Italians, I was always fascinated by different cultures and traditions.

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