Cinema Cult: Candyman (1992)

Cinema Cult’s release of Candyman could not have come at a better time, with the popular horror title turning 25-years-old just yesterday, officially cementing its status as a bona fide classic. I fondly remember the film being somewhat of a talking point among us kids in primary school, due to a ritual anyone can perform

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Netflix: Gerald’s Game (2017)

We’re in the middle of quite the Stephen King reissuance with big screen adaptations of The Dark Tower and IT making waves with fans and the general movie-going public, the latter of which becoming the highest grossing horror film in history. Now streaming giant Netflix have entered the ring with the spellbinding and suspenseful Gerald’s

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Review: IT (TV Mini-Series 1990)

When people talk about the made-for-TV adaptation of Stephen King’s IT, more often than not they sight the impact it had on their fragile minds as children, particularly Tim Curry’s legendary performance as the infamous Pennywise the clown. I first watched the landmark mini-series with my mother when I was around 11-years-old. While only very

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Review: Raw Deal (1986)

I could sit through just about any action movie as a child, the genre I was practically raised on, and like many kids of my generation Arnold Schwarzenegger was a huge favourite. However, there was one oddity among my regular VHS rentals, Raw Deal, a title I would purposely fast forward to enjoy it’s two

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