Here you’ll find reviews/breakdowns of various disc-based releases from the distributors who were generous enough to provide screener copies; and you’ll no doubt notice my unwavering devotion to the aging SD format, DVD.

Blu-ray Review: Fear City (1984)

101 Films’ very collectable Black Label has attached some salacious classics from dark alleys of cinema, with the latest and one of its most worthy titles, Fear City from mad-man director Abel Ferrara – released May 18th on a Limited-Edition Blu-ray. Tom Berenger stars in this violent neo-noir as ex-boxer-turned-talent-manager, Matt Rossi, who finds himself

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Blu-ray Review: Houdini

If you’ve watched Planes, Trains and Automobiles, you need not worry, as the line about Harry Houdini’s fate delivered by John Candy is not a spoiler to the classic biography/drama, Houdini, starring Tony Curtis, which was released on Blu-ray last year by Signal One Entertainment in the UK. World-renowned escape artist, Harry Houdini had been

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Blu-ray Review: Lenny (1974)

Imprint hasn’t released many comedies over the past three years, and their December release of Bob Fosse’s sophisticated biography/drama, Lenny is far from a barrel of laughs. Nonetheless, the film is a powerful, thought-provoking classic that charts the rise and fall of stand-up comedian, Lenny Bruce. Through his cutting style of humour and commentary, he

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Alligator (1980) & Alligator II: The Mutation (1991) – review

Here in Australia, especially during summer, life is a never-ending creature feature. Surprisingly our array of creepy-crawlies and large reptiles are rarely subject to cinematic exploitation. By contrast, in the United States, almost every member of the animal kingdom has at one time been a star, like an alligator – a titular monster of the

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