Think of any movie and chances are it was released by Eureka Entertainment at one point or another; from Wake in Fright to Mr. Vampire. Based in the UK, the quality and presentation of Eureka’s contribution to physical media are unmatched.


Blu-ray Review: VIY (1967)

I doubt many have wondered what the first horror movie made by the Soviet Union, but it’s a little feature with an equally little title, Viy, based on Nikolai Gogol’s 1835 short story of the same name. Produced during a rather intense period of the Cold War, this faith-based dark fantasy is rather light-hearted in

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Blu-ray Review: Mindwarp (1992)

While something of a milestone, Mindwarp feels like every post-apocalyptic movie you’ve seen from the 80s and early 90s, yet Fangoria Magazine’s first feature still manages to stand out, and now it’s on Blu-ray in the UK from Eureka Entertainment. Set in the year 2037, decades after an unspecified apocalyptic event, the remnants of humanity

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Blu-ray Review: Pulse (1988)

I remember catching the middle third of Pulse on TV during the mid-90s. It was the midday movie, oddly. Joey Lawrence’s sitcom Brotherly Love was airing at the time, so I guess the network was capitalising on his popularity, even though he was only 12-years-old in the film. Although, my cousin who was babysitting me

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