DVD Review: The Super (2017)

Mixing the day-to-day routine of a blue-collar occupation with horror has been a proven formula for decades, and one of the latest features for fans to ‘clock-on’ to is The Super, “starring” Val Kilmer. Coming to DVD on August 7th from Eagle Entertainment, this fairly low-key offering follows a single father of two, Phil Lodge, […]

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Review: The Public (2019)

Inspiration struck when actor and director Emilio Estevez opened the L.A. Times in 2007 to an essay by a former Salt Lake City librarian about how public libraries have become de facto shelters for the homeless. Over the next 11 years, this profound slice of reality eventually materialised into the film The Public, which premiered

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Review: Apollo 11 (2019)

Special event screenings are a rarity at my local cinema. However, the 50th anniversary of the when man first set foot on the moon managed to warrant a one-night-only screening of the documentary feature Apollo 11, distributed across Australia through Madman Films. Consisting solely of archival footage, including an immaculate 70mm film previous unreleased to

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Review: Child’s Play (2019)

Chucky’s prowess as an evil doll has been the horror icon’s most enduring quality and optimum supply of nightmare fuel for countless movie-goers over the past thirty years. With six sequels to its name, of varied quality, a remake of the original Child’s Play was the next logical step, but thankfully creative freedom was exercised

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DVD Review: Dollars (1971)

Crime capers have been popular among movie-goers for decades due to being rare instances when you can root for criminal behaviour, and still be on the side of good. Known for its gritty style and realistic style, the 1970s were a peek period for the sub-genre with too suitable entries to titles to name. However,

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Review: Batman (1989)

Despite not seeing it theatres, I remember Batman being this almost omnipresent blockbuster due to the studio’s enormous advertising blitz which seemed endless. Jack Nicholson’s Joker was an image burned into my memory, transfixed by that grotesque grin with mixed feelings of fright and fascination. Since then, Nicholson’s legendary incarnation has reached Coca-Cola levels of

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