Blu-ray Review: The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey (1988)

Originally slated as for release via Umbrella’s exclusive label Beyond Genres: Worlds on Film last year, The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey was unfortunately downgraded to a standard Blu-ray release in April. However, Vincent Ward’s acclaimed adventure-fantasy returns to home video in impressive clarity with new bonus content, not to mention striking artwork from Simon Sherry,

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Review: Long Shot (2019)

It’s amazing what a trailer can hook you with whether it be a witty one-liner or one of the supporting cast members. For me, Long Shot had me hooked the moment David Bowie’s rock ballad Modern Love kicked in at full volume, which sadly never made it into the film itself, but is a well-played

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Review: At the Drive-In (2017)

I was first introduced to the Mahoning Drive-In Theatre via an extensive Blu-ray edition of I Drink Your Blood, which included a featurette highlighting a 35mm screening of the LSD oriented cult classic. While the momentous occasion took place some time ago, the collective enthusiasm for the retro brand of film projection was almost instantly

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Review: Pet Sematary (2019)

With the entirety of the 1980s now thirty years ago, comes a new wave of anniversary milestones for a number of classics made during what was arguably the decade’s strongest year. In true Hollywood style, a remake of Pet Sematary pays homage to the original film adaptation, by going a little deep into Stephen King’s

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Review: April Fools Day (1986)

With boutique labels like Arrow Video and Scream Factory giving copious amounts of love to genre classics, it’s quite frankly a little stunning that Aprils Fool’s Day is without a Blu-ray release. Nevertheless, the staple 80s slasher can still be enjoyed via the ‘Old Faithful’ of disc formats, DVD, which is still floating around retail

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